Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How far can Othello be described as a tragic hero? in the true Shakesperean meaning ?

In a true tragedy, there's a sad ending. Othello murders his beautiful young wife. That's pretty tragic!How far can Othello be described as a tragic hero? in the true Shakesperean meaning ?
The tragic hero in Shakespearean as in Aristotelian tradition is a great man with great character flaws and is responsible, through these, for his own downfall.

Othello's character flaws, are jealousy and the fact that he is easliy duped by Iago.

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http://www.peoplesnetwork.go.ukHow far can Othello be described as a tragic hero? in the true Shakesperean meaning ?
The story is certainly tragic but Othello is far less heroic than many of Shakespeare's other heroes. Romeo sacrifices everything to be with the woman he loves. Hamlet avenges his father's death. etc etc. Othello murders his wife. He remains a likeable and strong character though. He is heroic in his personality but not so much in his actions.

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