Friday, February 12, 2010

Is Beowulf a true hero?

If you read this story, do you believe Beowulf is a hero? If so, why? If not, why?Is Beowulf a true hero?
Depending on society. back then, in that society, it was considered heroic to be boisterous and cocky, while now a days he would seem self centered and arrogant. The fact that he saved people from several monsters in any society would be considered heroic, but since this was well before King Arthur's time, the idea that heroes should follow the chivalric code wasn't established, or even thought of yet. The truth is that he killed all of those monsters for personal gain and glory which, today, would put him under the category of ';Anti-Hero';.Is Beowulf a true hero?
I have not read the tale for a long time, but believe that Beowulf is a hero as he went out, against impossible odds, to keep others safe. His exploits were such that he received and impressive burial and was remembered in story for a very long time.

We do the same at this time of year when we remember all those who died in an attempt to protect their family, friends and country. Whether or not the wars were right, useful or did any good is another question.

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