Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is Joe Wilson a TRUE American HERO?

He called the President out. Is he a HERO?Is Joe Wilson a TRUE American HERO?
Can you prove that he (Wilson) was telling the truth?Is Joe Wilson a TRUE American HERO?
Nope. Just another misguided idiot with a mouth far larger than his very limited mind.

He's more in the vein of Benedict Arnold, Vidkun Quisling, and Judas Escariot than, say, Audie Murphy. Heroes have to actually RISK something and DO something to help SOMEONE. This clown spewed out his filth to further his standing with the crackpot element of the ultra-right lunatic fringe, risked nothing, and helped no one.

And he blew off his ignorant, lying mouth, for the first time in history at a major address before a Joint Session of Congress.

There are ample times and opportunities for discussion, debate, and dissent. But this occasion was NOT one of them, and especially not in this ridiculous, simplistic, insulting way. He would never have done that to a WHITE President of either party.

And I think you can bid him goodbye, too.
Absolutely not! Just when I think I may be starting to agree with at least some of the republican agenda, some idiot like Joe Wilson, makes a complete fool of himself, and causes me to pause. How can you expect to win over converts, with buffoons like him running your party. Sigh, Guess I'll just go back to being a disgruntled Democrat.

Sen Joe Wilson is a patriot and a true american hero.

He is saying what every true american is feeling. Obama is a puppet for special interest leftist zealots, his words mean nothing, he will say and do anything, to get his out of control agenda passed. This is not about health care, it's about the government controlling every aspect of your life.

thats thier job look at what happens in the rest of the world they question thier leaders even lecture them hell one guy made his bones daniel hannan i think his name was he called the prime minister a liar a worthless scumbag and useless in like 3 minutes thats what they are supposed to do
Disrespecting the democratic process is not heroic. I would be ashamed if I was in his constituency.

Agreed, McCain... He is a hero. McCain has the ability to voice his opinion with grace and dignity.
I guess that depends on what you consider an heroic action to be. For me, shouting at the President when he's giving a speech doesn't compare with, say, firemen risking their lives to save people. Maybe they are on par for you.
He is a hero for Republicans because you don't have to read to be their hero, also: he is a master of distorting the truth.
No. He's a thug and punk that has NO respect for the government of this country. John McCain, who I don't agree with, is a hero, and even he called him out on it as every Republican should.

He's a numbskull. He's divisive. He's a tool. He's a crybaby. He's a fool. None of these things are good, nor are they heroic.
joe wilson KNOWS ';abortion'; is NOT part of health care reform

that makes joe wilson a liar
He is to all true Americans everywhere, which leaves out about half the idiot loon Libs on this forum
I am sure he will be on Fox News the next 2 or 3 weeks, hell they may even offer him a show.What he did was immature, and unfitting of the office he holds.
YES !!!!!! This man had the courage to speak up. He is not letting the President get away with Lying to the public.

I for one would like to Thank Him !!
Before it's over with; we will remember the time and place we were when Joe Wilson:SouthCarolina(R); called to task the President of the US.%26lt;p%26gt;

A brave man in a pc out of control ;country!
While that was a good start I would not start calling him a hero just yet...
He expects the truth and will call on it. I am sick of hearing Obama's lies too
No, he is rude. The time to respond is after the speech.
No he's just a big baby.
No, it's just you having a DREAM.
If there is any truth to him saying that, yes he is an American hero
I'm starting to like this guy!
Yes, but it was rude in that venue.
Although I agree with the sentiment. It was not the right place or time.

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