Friday, February 12, 2010

Who's the True Hero: Kerry heroically taking bullets for USA in Vietnam or some guy snorting coke in Texas?

How can you people insult a man like John Kerry? He goes to an unpopular war( like the one we are in now) and earns countless medals. Returns home to protest the injustices being committed there and become a successful politician. How dare you judge a man when you couldn't spend one day in his shoes. As for Mr. Bush I must respectfully say that all I know is never even went to Vietnam but none of you are condemning him.Who's the True Hero: Kerry heroically taking bullets for USA in Vietnam or some guy snorting coke in Texas?
Kerry is a joke and skate.Who's the True Hero: Kerry heroically taking bullets for USA in Vietnam or some guy snorting coke in Texas?
Though I think the ? is obvious, I can't believe you're still on this subject? I liked Kerry for his deeds %26amp; what he has to show for his work in office, but friend, he lost to Bush... move on %26amp; support Hillary or any other Democrat!
Kerry is a f***ing horse face who would have screwed the U.S!Id say that Bush is the true hero cause he actually did something that is helping america from terrorism unlike Kerry who would have f***ed us and let all those assholes run all over us.My dad served in Vietnam and Im pritty dam sure that he did more over there than that dam ';hero'; of yours ever did.
i don't know if I would call Kerry a hero, none of us who went; fought, died or went missing are heros, however any man who set foot in country has my respect. What GW Bush did to avoid Viet Nam, while questionable is the path many took, I served in the USMC in Viet Nam, I was wounded and decorated, mine was a bait more sever than Mr. Kerry's but not as sever as some of my buddies. As a disabled vet, I supported and voted for Kerry, I had my doubts, but I din't like the way Mr. Bush got elected the first time, nor did I like his father or their policy stances.
the true hero is the guy who screws a young girl while president and then says he didnt
KERRY TAKING BULLETS? YOU MUST BE THE IDIOT SNORTING COKE!!! That guy was the biggest coward and worst opportunits in the whole Viet Nam era. He lied to get his medals, he tucked his tale and fled at the first sign of conflict, he evn lied about tossing his medals. He's lower than whale dung, and that's on the bottom of the ocean.
Wow, looks like you ruffled some feathers with that comment. Until all you chicken-hawks step into that recruitment center and sign up to lay your a__ on the line in any war, you have no opinion against Kerry. Its easy to blah blah blah and flow at the mouth, but when it comes right down to it, most of you complaining about Kerry would run and hide under the bed if there was ever talk of a draft....
Neither one is a hero, their is a long black wall in D.C with the names of hero's on it. Kerry was the only one who spit on their service when he returned from Vietnam, Bush did serve no matter how little you think of that service. He never testified before the Senate committee that the men who died and those in country were raping and murdering in the fashion reminiscent of Ghingas Khan.
Kerry was a reporter in Vietnam, silly.

The true Hero is George Bush for fightin this evil war on terrorism.
Kerry a hero? Consider this, he shot an unarmed teenaged Vietnamese boy in the back as the boy was running away.
Not Kerry! The only thing that scammer took was a few deliberately inflicted scratches. Nothing that Kerry got in terms of wounds, even required sick bay or hospital care. His whole scam was to get three purple hearts, because that would get him a ticket back to the world.

If you need a hero to look up to, try McCain or Murtha. These are guys who did it and paid the price. You need to get your facts in order, my friend!
Kerry betrayed his comrades.

He was a traitor.

He has never allowed his military records to come out.

He was a phony and a liar, at the same time Kennedy was drowning girls.
Who's the victim here? We democrats who didn't get who we wanted as president, or the entire country being divided based on petty differences?

Stop contributing to the party divide, it's the biggest problem in politics today. If we can't compromise with one another, our country is screwed.

And on another note, it as two years ago, get over it, and start focusing on the election of '08! At least Bush can't win that one.
Kerry is a fraud, a fake, a bum...
And disappearing for 19 months from a National Guard posting
Thing is, Kerry made up those injuries and/or shot himself in the foot to get the purple heart. Then he came back and betrayed his buddies for political gain. Some guy! My uncle got his purple heart for real--posthumously. Bush is the real hero.
Kerry, of course.
';dont mess with Texas';

he isnt even from Texas!

Kerry was a coward and took no bullets..

He invented his own injuries..

This was the entire basis for the VN veterans groups

who actually knew him coming forward during the election

and telling the news the truth about Kerry's lies...

Just how gullible are you ?
Kerry is a liar and a traitor and the guy is just stupid
check into kerrys life threatening injuries in vietnam.......I think a couple of them were friendly fire
I'd rather have a president who screwed one girl than a president who screws everybody all the time. I guess people are willing to look the other way when its THEIR party soliciting young boys.
The swift-boat vets paint a different picture of your ';hero';.
read 'unfit for command.' taking bullets my a ss.....

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