Friday, February 5, 2010

When will the libbys admit Bush was true hero to world?

Bush was a hero., his own mind...He manufactured a war in which he could star in.

Bush is so transparent. He could never live up to the image of his dad, ( an actual war hero) so he killed thousands of US soldiers for his own egoWhen will the libbys admit Bush was true hero to world?
They won't...but history will. IT took 200 years for the world to understand how right JOHN ADAMS was too.....

Everything they say and do about Bush is what they did to John Adams...and now he is considered one of the smartest ones we had!

Difference here between Bush and BOZO (well one major one)....Bush didn't whine and complain when someone didn't like him. HE KNEW that would happen..he knew the world would turn on him and he had the courage to do what was right for AMERICA. AMERICA and those that hate him will NEVER understand how safe and secure they are BECAUSE OF HIM.

It is easy to point out what you think is wrong when you can see what you don't LIKE...but it takes courage and wisdom to see the future and TALK TO YOUR PEOPLE and GET EDUCATED and NOT IGNORING the military to realize what is needed to do just that. Despite his hatred of many people....they are safe and he is man enough to understand that and take the satisfaction of KNOWING he knew things he could not tell the PUBLIC and acted anyways.

He is a man who can stand tall and be proud. I will stand with him because I know the hard decisions he made and the lack of half measures he DIDN'T make (unlike this village idiot in office now)....AMERICA IS BETTER.

They can complain all they want...but they don't understand....they don't accept that hard decisions are made by a man and not a child. We need a MAN in office and forget this stupid child who can't focus!

YES I said MAN..not woman......the women other than PALIN...would cower and crumble under the pressure...and as a woman I know that. Look at Hillary pussy footing around..kissing butt like bozo does. GOD that is sickening!

Oh by the way...MY CAT DOES BARK....(and clucks) is funny...but she does. ! So we are half way there! (if you want to put a certain POTUS in a plane you can say PIGS do FLY TOO! )When will the libbys admit Bush was true hero to world?
Never, but was he really?
yup, he's a hero alright. the chinese, russians and saudis are laughing all the way to the bank as america spends her treasure fighting terror while they survey their bank accounts.
When the world bursts into flames and everybody dies. Oh wait, by then they'll be dead to admit that Bush was a ';true hero.';
Sorry to say-never. When you hear our current narcissist in chief still complaining, you just know that the lib's will never let it go.
He set the challenge for Obama.

Which president can spend more and get less out of it.

Obama is winning hands down.
When you admit that you called your mom crying when Paul took the number 1 spot.
When pigs fly and cats bark!

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