Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is it true that Stalin is still a national hero to some in Georgia?

If so, then shouldn't we drop the pretense that some countries are ';evil'; while others are ';good';?Is it true that Stalin is still a national hero to some in Georgia?
I don't know where you are coming from on this one, but, perhaps you are slapping at McCain because of his backing Georgia and its President.

A whole lot of folks living in Russia, and portions of the old Soviet Block, look back on the days of Stalin with nostalgia and respect. A few reasons why this is so.

First of all, life was simplier then, of course, and, great harmony and living easy, with state run, well, everything, and much was taken care of for people.

Second, Stalin was leader of the most heralded triumph in Soviet/Russia culture as the man that led the people against Germany in what they call The Great Patriotic War (WWII). WWII still lives in Russian culture. Tens of millions of Russian soldiers and civilians died in the war. Russians still have numerous holidays celebrating various victories each year. WWII is still an active part of their thinking.

Lastly, for the most part, Stalin is unknown for being a murderous tyrant by many that live in Russia and in the eastern european nations. Here is why.

Russians did not know of nuclear weapons, and, Stalin's atrocities, and many other historical niceties until after 1991, or Perastroika. Even after this, it took several years for wide spread discussion to take place.

Older people might simply reject these ';new ideas'; because, really and truly, they have no collective memory of such things. Stalin and the old soviet leaders utterly owned everything in the world of media and ideas. Imagine waking up to a history of the world you had never dreamed or heard of at the age of 63, and well, it would be a bit hard to accept, yet, this is very true.

So, while I always appreciate your thoughts and questions, please, the Russians have a much different reality than us.

They are a warm, friendly, and vivacious people, full of life, and, politically, just waking up to the west after for so long been shelered from the world by total domination as a people by dictators truly paranoid, and, truly evil.

Now, I feel better. (I have Russian and Ukrainian associates).Is it true that Stalin is still a national hero to some in Georgia?
Good question. I'm not sure, I work with a Georgian national who teaches at our University. He's painted a different picture, but I'll ask him.
He's their native son. It doesn't mean they don't hate the Russian aggression.

But our US position on what is evil is defined by us, and not them, anyway.
he is a hero to liberals
I suppose he was their hero in one form or another much like Napoleon was to the French.
No. I think it's MLK.
You mean George Wallace?

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