Bless you!What characteristics do u think a true hero has??
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What characteristics do u think a true hero has??
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Having outstanding courage and bravery and displaying it in times of need, modesty and sincerity.
They help people without even knowing they helped a great deal.
or in some cases.
They work their heroic 'magic' in the background.
He / she treats All people with Equality, doing unto all as he/she would have others do unto him / her.
Heroes live the golden rule!
Concern for giving a good example to others.
Walk the talk--behave in an heroic fashion.
Being selfless
They are honest and when they give their word, they keep it.
They practice what they preach and set a good example for others.
They treat everyone with respect regardless of how obnoxious some people can be.
They are strong and wise spiritually, doing all they can to make others happy but not at the expense of compromising their beliefs.
That describes Jesus, my Hero :)
I think heroism is instinctual. You might be the next hero. You never know what you are going to do. I jumped into a flood to help a woman and her kids and it never crossed my mind that I couldn't swim, but I did that day.
Disregard for one's own safety, instead placing the needs of another's above yours.
I don't believe heroes are people who have been amazingly generous with their time and energy to make other people's lives better, or safer.
A hero is a person who does a selfless act, THAT PUTS THEIR LIFE ON THE LINE, trying to help someone else in a particular crises.
Key words: selfless act. life in jeopardy. specific crises.
Years ago an Air Florida crashed into the Potomac River, less than a mile from the White House in D. C. It was in the middle of the winter and it was cold and snowing. A spectator, Lenny Skutnick, jumped into the river trying to save the passengers that were screaming for help.鈥?/a> He's a hero.
Being at the right place at the right time and capable of controlling fear while exercising good judgement.
Every body have the tendency to be a hero. If some kind of a bad situation occurred, almost anyone will jump to help. It's inherent in every human being. Heroes are persons who were at the right place / right time.
The desire to help others and actually doing it, instead of hoping others do it.
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