Sunday, February 7, 2010

How far can the character of Othello be described as a tragic hero in the true Shakespearian meaning?

Shakespeare's Tragic Heroes had to have the following traits:

1. Noble birth or high rank - Othello was a general and was born an African prince

2. Tragic Flaw: Othello's was jealousy

3. An increase of self-knowledge or self-awareness: Othello learns at the end that he has been duped, but knows it was his own flaws that that on the tragedy.

4. The audience has to feel pity for the character: The audience all knows that Iago is fooling Othello.

5. The universe has to be set right, usually involves the death of the tragic hero: Othello kills himself.How far can the character of Othello be described as a tragic hero in the true Shakespearian meaning?
Shakespeare's tragic heroes are usually great men who have great flaws, A true tragic hero in the Aritotelian sense has to be responsible in some ways for his own downfall:Othello's jealousy and lack of trust in his wife Desdemona, and his na茂ve trust in Iago, his lieutenant, can be said to result in his tragic end.

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